Northern Fibre To The Home Project (FTTH)
Southern Territory FTTH Project
The Southern Territory FTTH Project will begin in Kendall, Ontario and connect the entire town, proceed east on Ganaraska Rd 9 (Cty. Rd 9) to Elizabethville and hook the entire immediate town in 1 KM proximity to county road 9, proceed east to Garden Hill hooking homes up on county. road 9 as it heads east. Connect the entire immediate community and subdivisions in Garden Hill, Cambellcroft and shoot north on county. road 10 to connect Thomstown. Heading east connecting Cambellcroft it will arrive in Bewdley, hook the entire community of Bewdley up to Fibre, and shoot up to South Monaghan up Hwy 28 North hooking all home up on Hwy 28 north it passes as well as those in Balieboro within 1 km of Hwy 28 and finish in South Monaghan.Crossroads Pharmacy
Continuing east on county road 9 to Oak Ridges drive and turn north on couty road 18 to encompass the town of Gores Landing and Harwood. Both communities of Harwood and Gores Landing within 1 km of county road 18 will be connected. In Harwood, we will have a high capacity, backhaul wireless link set up to Hiawatha First Nations across Rice Lake enabling the band office to entertain a fibre to the community project of their own with our expertise and assistance. Continuing east on county road 18 the project will terminate in Roseneath hooking residents up along the route and within 1 km in Roseneath. The project will head south on county road 45 and connect residents within 1 KM of county road 45 in Alderville and Fenella. The project will also connect Alderville First Nations band office enabling the band office to entertain a fibre to the community project of their own with our expertise and assistance. Visit: Nizagara 100 mg