Locate anything buried
We need to know if there is anything buried on your property like well, well lines, septic beds and tanks? Our goal is to get you running on the fastest internet in rural Canada
Have You Called Ontario One Call?
Have you called Ontario One Call to schedule a free locate of buried services on your property like Hydro, Gas, Telephone. We are not able to proceed with your home installation without a locate of buried utilities. Please do so here
Key Information you will need to know :
-priority is planning
-digging is done by machine
-maximum dig depth is 1 ft deep -
Provide a deposit
Home visits are provided to those that provide a $250.00 + HST home visit deposit. We need to know you are serious about getting the fastest high speed rural internet in Canada. If you have not done so you may do so already then please click here to use PayPal or call the office to pay via an e-transfer, cheque or credit card.
Book your home visit
Book your home visit by scheduling a time that is convenient for you, using the calendar above, if you have completed the above steps.
Please Note: At this time Group 1 and 2 may book home visits. Group 3 please visit the RSVP page here and let us know your level of commitment. Our office will be in touch with group 3 homes and businesses.
Book your Visit Now
schedule home visit.
Go Fibre would like to get a “JUMP” on the 2018 build out by doing home visit this fall and winter. Homeowners who have paid their $250.00 deposit will have the ability to schedule their home visit. In the home visit we will evaluate where you want your fibre to come into the house, on which side and how and where in the house you want it to terminate. Various WiFi and TV and Phone options as well as our service agreement can be discussed during the visit. Most importantly we will want home owners to call Ontario One Call and have their house lot evaluated from One Call prior to us arriving to their house. Finally, we need your financial support: deploying fibre costs millions. We need to know you support this initiative. How? You will have the opportunity to show your support and secure your spot by placing that $250 in-home deposit. We are also offering exclusive high speed introductory offers available only to our initial customer offers which will be outlined on November 9th at the launch party. More to follow at the meeting, but please come prepared to show your support.
We look forward to visiting each and every one of you to make sure fibre is installed in your home or business efficiently and quickly with minimal disruption to your lawns and green space.We are looking forward to showing you how rural communities can have the same connectivity as the big cities.